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Menstrual Equity for NJ Students


Senate bill S1221 was signed into law on August 23, 2023. It  will provide access to free menstrual products to all menstruating individuals in all 6-12 New Jersey public schools.


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A1685 (Quijano/Swain) - Requires ingredients of menstrual products to be listed on package.


A1930 (Swain/Mosquera) S1815 (Ruiz/Vitale) - Requires DHS to establish a pilot program covering menstrual hygiene products under Medicaid and NJ FamilyCare.

A1934 (Swain/Mukherji) – Establishes "Menstrual Hygiene Product Pilot Program," appropriates $60,000.

A1935 (Swain/Mukherji) – Establishes "Menstrual Hygiene Products Program," appropriates $200,000.

A1937 (Swain/Mukherji) – Requires certain public schools to advertise availability of free menstrual hygiene products.

A1938 (Swain/Mukherji) - Establishes requirements for State entities to enter into bulk purchasing arrangements for menstrual products.


​A2540 (Murphy)/ S2010 (O’Scanlon) - Requires certain doctors and nurses to ask patients questions regarding menstrual cycles, previous tampon use, and toxic shock syndrome.

​A3207 (Speight) - Requires school districts to permit students excused absences while experiencing symptoms of menstrual disorder.

A3208 (Speight, Timberlake, Quijano)/ S2303 (Gopal, Ruiz) - Requires DHS and DOH to submit federal waivers to cover menstrual products under NJ FamilyCare, SNAP, WIC.

A3211 (Speight, Haider, Swain)/ S2302 (Gopal, Ruiz) - Establishes "New Jersey Feminine Hygiene Products for the Homeless Act."

A3212 (Speight, McKnight)/ S2772 (Ruiz, Burgess) - Establishes a Women's Menstrual Health Screening Program and requirements to screen appropriate patients for endometriosis and PCOS.

A3213 (Speight, McKnight) - Requires school districts to provide menstrual products in all school buildings.

A3567 (Flynn, Scharfenberger, Murphy)/ S636 (O'Scanlon, Corrado) - Requires school districts to incorporate age-appropriate instruction on TSS.

A3736 (Speight, Jaffer, Atkins) - Requires school districts to provide instruction on menstrual health and hygiene.

A3737 (Speight, Swain, McKnight)/ S3393 (Ruiz, O'Scanlon) - Establishes menstrual health public awareness campaign.

A3737 (Speight, Swain, McKnight)/ S3393 (Ruiz, O'Scanlon) - Establishes menstrual health public awareness campaign.

A3738 (Speight, McKnight. Timberlake)/ S3763 (Burgess) - Permits students experiencing menstrual disorder to attend school remotely.

Image by Alexander Sergienko

A3826 (Speight, Jasey. Carter, Atkins)/ S3576 (Ruiz) - Requires public institutions of higher education to provide menstrual products in all campus buildings

A3854 (Reynolds-Jackson, Jaffer, Conaway)/ S2015 (O'Scanlon) - Requires menstrual products include ingredient list; requires TSS warnings be printed. 

A4455 (Speight) - Establishes 10 year Menstrual Leave and Remote Work Pilot Program.

A4528 (Speight, McKnight) - Requires certain libraries to provide free menstrual hygiene products and requires State to pay costs.

A4531 (Speight, Timberlake)/ S3521 (Ruiz) - Requires insurance coverage of  fertility preservation services for individuals with certain menstrual disorders.

A4533 (Speight, Wimberly, Matsikoudis)/ S3487 (Ruiz) - Establishes the "New Jersey Feminine Hygiene Product Donations Immunity Act."

A4559 (Speight, Timberlake) - Requires school districts to provide menstrual products for students in grades kindergarten through 12.

A5023 (Speight)/ S3523 (Ruiz) - Establishes "Period Equity and Menstrual Disorders Study Committee" in DOH.

AR61 (Swain, Mosquera) - Urges Congress to provide menstrual hygiene products under Medicaid, SNAP, and WIC programs.

ACR155 (Speight)/ SCR139 (Ruiz) - Urges United States President to expand access to menstrual products in schools.

Hygiene Products

ACR159 (McKnight)/ SCR44 (Ruiz) - Declares May 28 of each year as Menstrual Equity Day in New Jersey.

AJR133 (Speight, McKnight)/ SJR89 (Ruiz) - Designates May 17 of each year as "Menstrual Empowerment Day" in New Jersey.

AJR217 (Atkins, McKnight, Speight)/ SJR112 (O'Scanlon) - Designates March 30th of each year "Menstrual Toxic Shock Syndrome Awareness Day."

S2886 (Pennachio, Ruiz) - Establishes program covering menstrual hygiene products under WIC and SNAP.

S3035 (Ruiz) - Establishes State SNAP Menstrual Hygiene Benefit Program; appropriates $1 million to DHS.

S3488 (Ruiz) - Allows gross income tax deduction for donations of menstrual products to certain New Jersey-based charitable organizations.

Menstrual Equity for All Act of 2021

Representative Grace Meng (NY-6) first introduced federal legislation, the Menstrual Equity for All Act on March 26, 2019. This bill will improve access to period products in schools, incarceration facilities, homeless shelters, businesses and public federal buildings, as well allow period products to be covered by Medicaid and pre-tax flexible spending accounts. The bill was was reintroduced on May 28, 2021

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